Travel Water Filter

by | May 3, 2021 | Water

There are very few countries around the world that you can categorically trust to drink local tap water without becoming ill to some degree. This includes developed countries. It may not necessarily be because of any “bad” bacteria but because you are not used to the local water because the composition is different, such as having a different mineral base.

Notwithstanding the above statement, bacteria, protozoa cysts, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and other creepy crawlies exist in a staggering 46% of water supplies worldwide. As reported by the US Environmental Protection Agency, only one US state did not have a water-based health violation.

There is a direct correlation between the levels of sanitation in the country to the water quality. The higher the sanitation level, that is, the percentage of people’s access to sanitation, the higher the quality of drinkable water. With only 25% of nations in the world with a 90% or above reach in sanitation, it speaks volumes of water quality in most countries.

Something to think about, over 2 million tones of feces is disposed of in water supplies (WWAP – United Nations World Water Assessment Programme)

The thought of getting dysentery or gastroenteritis is a terrible thought as it may ruin your holiday or traveling experience. Not to say the side effects can last for a very long time after the initial bout of the infection.

I don’t think that staying in a 4 or 5-star hotel will be the answer, or just using bottled water will make a difference. Hotel water comes from the same source as from the surrounding suburbs, and the bottled water may come from the same source. As well don’t think drinking soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, and the like will absolve you (Soft drinks use the same water or the ice in the alcoholic drink). Even more, skepticism needs to be made in not-so-developed nations. Giardia and Cryptosporidium can be found at these establishments as well.

It’s one of the standard overseas travel health warnings – don’t drink the water. Did you know around 40% of overseas travelers experience uncomfortable, often debilitating diarrhea for at least one day and up to four days as they travel? Giardia Lamblia and Cryptosporidium are significant travel health risks and the chief causes of diarrhea, also vomiting, and cramps.

While healthy adults recover from Cryptosporidium within days, though it remains in the lower intestine for around 5-weeks, in children or those with weak immune systems, it can become severe, long-term, and even fatal.

Now you can drink the local water, with ice anywhere your holiday or travel. Using a compact, low-cost Sure Aqua product personal chemical-free drinking water filter, you can fly anywhere overseas with your own pocket water filter slipped into your bum bag, handbag, or backpack gear. There is no need to carry many liters of water each day in your bag. Lighten the load. Just get your water as you go and drink it through a Sure Aqua product.

Don’t expose yourself to the risk of becoming ill when traveling or holidaying. Avoid coming down with any gastroenteritis, Giardiasis, or cryptosporidiosis. Don’t think that using a chemical-based product will kill these cysts-based infections, and it has been acknowledged by the World Health Organisation and the US Military that chemicals don’t work on these cysts unless the level of concentrate is so high that it renders the water undrinkable.

With the Sure Aqua product range, you are able to freely drink water anywhere in your travels. Rather than spend your well-earned money on expensive bottled water to maintain hydration, you can use it to bring home some fascinating memorabilia. At a fraction of the cost, the Sure Aqua products costs are recouped within a few days of your holiday.

You’ve taken out travel insurance, so why not back it up. For a very cheap cost, you can substantially protect your health and avoid disappointment on your holidays. For parents, it’s fantastic to know that with this small water filter tucked away in your pocket, and your children can enjoy healthy drinking water while you’re in-flight or on the ground. Then you only need to avoid the salad and other high-risk foods.

One of the best travel health precautions, when you’re flying overseas is to ensure you have access to healthy water by carrying a Sure Aqua product, water filter purification straw, or bottle.




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