Improving Health Through Better Water Filtration

Improving Health Through Better Water Filtration

Improving Health Through Better Water Filtration

No one will argue the fact that everyone needs a steady supply of safe water to continue living. The arguments usually start when health experts disagree on what constitutes safe water. It’s been well established that much of the Earth’s water supply is contaminated with a wide variety of chemicals. Much of the world’s water supply contains high levels of minerals that make it less than healthy for consumers.

How Do Consumers Know If Their Water Is Safe?

Most tap water from municipal sources is tested to ensure contaminants are within “safe” limits, but who determines what those safe levels are, and should users blindly accept their findings?

Governmental agencies are generally responsible for determining what those acceptable levels are, but water safety is about more than defining an “acceptable” level of contamination. Consumers need to be asking themselves whether or not high levels of minerals or the presence of any pharmaceuticals is genuinely safe.

TRICK: You can clean up water marks from glass vases. Or fill the vase with water and drop in 2 Alka Seltzer tablets. 

Organic Taste removal Carbon Blocks

Can Consumers Take Steps to Improve the Quality of Their Drinking Water?

The short answer is yes, and there are several options to consider when consumers seek a way to improve the quality of the water they drink. A variety of filtering systems are currently marketed to enhance water quality. The problem is that many don’t really resolve all the issues involved.

Why Are PH Levels Important?

Here’s where there seems to be a great deal of important information available. In an article at, Ryan Andrews explains that a pH level of about 7.0 is typical for most tap water, which is regarded as being neutral. He discusses the fact that a human body will seek a balance near that neutral point and that a pH level that is out of balance in either direction will create issues.

Nutrition experts universally espouse the importance of safe water. Within recent years many water studies, like The Alkaline Diet: Is There Evidence That an Alkaline pH Diet Benefits Health?, by Gerry K. Schwalfenberg, suggest there are benefits of ingesting more alkaline substances in a diet to improve health. In fact, newer water filtering devices are currently being used to increase alkalinity and help users avoid chronic low-grade acidosis, which some researchers believe causes health issues.

Andrews, in his article, argues that pH levels impact overall health, and obtaining a balance is essential, but “Without knowing the cause, you can’t determine whether alkaline water will really help you.” 

While that statement has value and should not be ignored, especially if chronic medical issues are present, the importance of drinking only quality water should always take priority.

How Can Users Ensure They Always Have Quality Drinking Water?

First of all, it’s essential to recognize the fact few water sources are actually delivering water that’s as pure as it should be. That means users have to take matters into their own hands and look at the options out there to improve the quality of the water they drink.

One of the current trends in water filtration involves the use of filters, including tourmaline.


“Took the SureAqua pump on a Scout Hike with 15 boys and girls. It was so good not to carry so much water. The scouts are only allowed to carry 20% of their body weight.  Not much! It was great, so the kids were able to carry food and tents rather than lbs of water.”

George P, Westmead, Scout Leader

Did you know nearly 79% of your body mass is Water!

Why Is Tourmaline Used?

The Global Healing Center  in “Benefits of Tourmaline Gemstone” states that tourmaline “is known to aid in relieving stress, increasing mental alertness, improving circulation, and strengthening the immune system.” While the article did not precisely explain how that happens, it hints that the electrical charge influences those outcomes.

 In addition, the article states tourmaline “produces a detoxifying, cleansing effect on the nervous system, as well the organs and tissues of the body.” Those benefits are frequently a topic of argument, but anecdotal evidence has been around for centuries, suggesting that the mineral enhances health. That’s why it’s now being incorporated into water filtering systems, even though more research needs to be undertaken to determine how much of an effect the tourmaline has.

In modern filters, tourmaline is used to increase alkalinity during the filtering process to deliver pure water to improve the user’s pH levels. The best systems use several stages of filtration to remove chemicals, bacteria, and viruses that frequently threaten those who are drinking unfiltered water.

“Never again will I leave my portable water filter behind after I spent a straight 5 hours in a toilet in India.”

Christina, Wellington

Are Filters Available for Users on the Go?

Certainly, filters are available in different styles and sizes to accommodate travelers, campers, hikers, and anyone else venturing out into areas where water quality is questionable. While the water in a given location may be safe to drink, it’s always better to avoid the potential of coming down with a water-related illness. Carrying a portable filter using tourmaline as a component is always a good idea for anyone wanting a safe, reliable water supply.

 Of course, there are also other reasons to consider portable filtering devices. Bottled water is readily available in many areas. Still, bottled water quality has come under question in recent years as many bottlers openly admit using municipal supplies as their water sources. While they may filter the water further, users have no way to determine the purity of bottled water.

Final Say about water filter benefits

In addition, bottled water produces massive amounts of plastic waste. Using a portable water filtering system eliminates that waste and allows users to know the level of filtration their water is receiving. Since the better filtering products currently available are thoroughly tested and last for years, users can be assured their water will have a pleasant taste and be healthier than the water typical municipal systems deliver.

 Whether a user is traveling or simply wants a reliable method of filtering the water they drink every day, exploring the filtering options readily available, especially those including tourmaline in the process, is essential. Clean, safe water not only tastes better, but it is also healthier for users. Prices are also important, but some of the best options are reasonably priced, making them readily available to virtually anyone.


10 Reasons to Drink Ionized Alkaline Water

10 Reasons to Drink Ionized Alkaline Water

Why Choose Ionized Alkaline Water over the Alternatives?

WWater is the most common element on Earth and an essential component of life; of course, not all options are created equal. Less than 2/3 of the world’s most abundant resource is considered safe for consumption, and with freshwater contamination being a growing worldwide concern, this supply is rapidly dwindling. Despite numerous pollutants making their way into lakes and streams, several solutions are available.  In working with water over the years we have seen the amazing properties of water around the world.  One that was amazing was ionize alkaline water.   We have seen the difference when people have drank this type of water over a period of time.  This article goes into some depth of the benefits.  I hope you will enjoy our findings.

Hidden Dangers

Thousands of potentially harmful substances are present in tap water as well as its various bottled counterparts. These range from bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella to rotavirus and other similar microscopic hazards are known to cause severe illness and even death. Numerous chemicals also seep into groundwater, including:

Pesticides: Hexachlorobenzene and DDT are among the most prevalent of these and have been linked to cellular mutations leading to cancer development.

Mercury: One of the metals to which exposure should be highly limited, mercury has been found to trigger specific negative psychological episodes.

Lead: Also a toxic metal, lead can cause nervous system disorders, brain damage, and circulatory problems.

Arsenic: Trace amounts of this well-known poison have been detected in water supplies in almost every region of the world.

Chlorine: While this chlorine chemical offers purification and sanitation benefits and is widely used in water treatment facilities, overexposure can lead to respiratory issues and skin, eye, and mucous membrane inflammation. This is typically the only contaminant readily noticeable in tap water due to its noxious odor and distinct flavor.

“I loved that the book gives me a solution, which is different from other books that just give an interesting discourse on the problem without suggesting a solution.”

Patrica Rommel

These are only a few of the most common dangers lurking in the water we consume every day. Though minuscule amounts are said to be safe for consumption, some build up in the system repeatedly and cause significant health issues. Fatigue could be considered the least disconcerting of these, but the possibly resulting ailments only grow worse from that point.

What can be done about this?

Before society as a whole went synthetic, none of this was indeed an issue. Water made its way through soil and rocks, and carbon acted as an all-natural filter, effectively removing most of the elements to be avoided.

Even though this system provided by Mother Earth remains in place, poisonous automotive fluids, previously mentioned chemicals, heavy metals, various industrial cleansers, and even prescription medications leech into the groundwater.

Public water treatment facilities exacerbate the matter with chlorine and other substances added for sanitation purposes. Water picks up additional organisms and metals on its way through pipelines to the taps in our homes and businesses.

Standard whole-house filtration systems and those installed directly on faucets certainly play a positive role in all this by removing some of the hazardous factors before consumption.

“Took the Sure Aqua Water pump on a Scout Hike with 15 boys and girls. It was so good not to carry so much water. The scouts are only allowed to carry 20% of their body weight.  Not much! It was great, so the kids were able to carry food and tents rather than lbs of water.”

George P, Westmead, Scout Leader

So, what’s the Problem?

Even the least expensive filter installation is fully capable of removing viruses, bacteria, and some chemicals from tap water. Their ability to remove chlorine is evident due to the extreme changes in taste and smell post-filter. The real problem lies in the fact those systems aren’t selective.

In the process of removing harmful elements, typical filters also eliminate those we need in our daily diets, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, to name a few. At the same time, some systems also add sodium, which is a contributing factor in high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Some might say this is a lateral move, but an alternative is readily available.

ionized alkaline water

Alkaline Water

Straight out of the tap, water is essentially neutral with a pH level of 7. Once sent through a standard filter, its pH decreases, making it slightly more acidic than normal. This could potentially contribute to a number of health problems, including obesity, certain forms of cancer.

Alzheimer’s, and premature aging.

The alkalinity of water can be increased in a couple of basic ways. First of all, adding simple baking soda to a glass or bottle of plain H20 makes it more alkaline. Adding supplements comprised of calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium, and other essential minerals also leaves it more alkaline. Still, a noteworthy difference exists between increasing alkalinity through these methods and doing so via ionization.

Ionizing water aids in reversing health risks by reducing acidity, bringing the pH level of basic water above 7. This process also reintroduces necessary minerals otherwise removed by typical purification systems. All these are vital to healthy bone and muscle development along with brain and nervous system function. Still, the electrolysis factor gleaned from ionization actually produces the many benefits soon to be discussed.

ionized water

10 Significant Benefits of Ionized Alkaline Water

Water alone is free of calories, fat, sugar, sodium, caffeine, and all the other aspects health-conscious individuals make every attempt to avoid. Once harmful bacteria, viruses, and chemical agents are removed, it becomes even healthier, yet this essential beverage holds so much more potential. Increasing alkalinity using an ionization process brings out a heightened level of advantages.

1.  Reduction of Water Clustering

Clustering, as the name indicates, entails several molecules of water bonding to one another. This occurs naturally in our bodies as we age, but it also takes place in bottled water over time. Though not inherently dangerous, clustering prevents individual H2O molecules from permeating cells as thoroughly as they should, resulting in less effective hydration. Ionization breaks apart those clusters, providing better cell penetration.

2.  Slowing of Oxidation

Oxidation affects everything we see though it is more evident in some instances than others. Vehicles begin to rust where their paint is compromised, unsealed wood fences crack and warp, and potatoes take on a brownish hue after being peeled. All this is due to oxidation. Human cells are also subject to this process, leading to advanced signs of aging both visible and on the inside. Ionization increases the Oxidation Reduction Potential of average tap water, possibly delaying the effects of cellular degeneration.

3.  Improved Digestive System Functionality

While stomach acids and those present in the intestines are crucial to proper digestion, excessive acidity can lead to ulcers, IBS flair-ups, reflux, and numerous other issues. The ionized alkaline water aids in restoring homeostasis to the digestive system without reducing necessary acids to an extreme extent.

4.  Battling Obesity

Obesity has additionally been linked to high levels of acid. The body stores more significant amounts of fat in an attempt to protect cells from the detrimental effects of too much acidity, making weight loss more difficult than the norm. Increasing alkalinity through the consumption of ionized water can help more effectively shed excess fat.

“I have gone for a hiking trip every year, and one thing I have learned over time is the importance of a portable water purifier.”

Scott, Boston

5.  Increasing Metabolism

While metabolism is commonly linked to weight loss, the term’s true definition describes it as natural processes occurring within an organism to maintain life. This actually relates to the body’s ability to process foods and beverages consumed and transform them into energy. Less acidity raises the metabolism, and though this makes weight loss a bit easier, it also leads to improved overall health by allowing the body to absorb more nutrients.

6.  Fighting Free Radicals

Free radicals bombard us on a daily basis. They lurk in the air we breathe due to industrial and automotive emissions and permeate our freshwater supplies, but they are also found in the foods we eat. At the same time, our bodies generate free radicals as by-products of processing everything we consume. The added minerals, along with the charged molecules afforded by ionized alkaline water, aid in removing free radicals while possibly reversing their previous effects on the body.

7.  Thwarting Diabetes

Although this benefit could be attributed to the previously touched upon cell damage prevention and regeneration aspects of ionization concerning the pancreas, certain studies indicate a deeper connection. Some experts believe lowered blood sugar levels and improved glucose tolerance result from the metabolism facet of increased alkalinity.

8.  Reduced Risk of Cancer

The aforementioned free radicals are responsible for considerable cellular damage and mutation. Since ionized alkaline water aids in reversing this damage, its consumption could lower the likelihood of developing cancer caused by abnormal cell growth and metastasization of already existing cancerous cells.

9. More Youthful Appearance

Free radicals and oxidation are responsible for organ degeneration and cell damage internally and externally. Those processes play a crucial role in reducing collagen and elastin production as we age and render the skin unable to retain moisture as it once did. Alkaline water, having also been electrolyzed, enhances hydration and moisture reservation while slowing the effects of free radicals, potentially helping to maintain younger-looking skin.

10   Strengthened Immunity

Above-average acid levels weaken all the body’s internal systems, whereas slowed metabolism and cellular damage reduce our capacity to absorb beneficial nutrients in the foods we eat. As ionized alkaline water improves both these aspects, it can provide greater immunity from both ends of the spectrum.

“Never again will I leave my portable water filter behind after I spent a straight 5 hours in a toilet in India.”

Christina, Wellington

What Makes Ionizing Alkaline Filters Different?

These systems initially operate on the same principles as standard filtration options with one significant difference: following removal of harmful elements, water is then alkalized and ionized before reaching the tap. This is possible through the use of a mineral known as Tourmaline. Touted for centuries for its physical and emotional healing capabilities, this stone holds a unique property essential to the process of enhancing plain water.

This particular stone is believed to be the only one on the planet with a permanent electrical charge. Even when reduced from its larger form to coarse granules, those smaller pieces retain both a positive and negative electrode. This feature allows minerals to be incorporated back into filtered water as well as increasing its pH levels

ionized alkaline water and its benefits

Final Word about Ionized Alkaline Water

Ionization is critical to producing the health benefits associated with alkaline water. While traditional larger-scale systems are available for alkalizing and ionizing water directly from the tap, these are also available for personal water bottles. This gives health-conscious individuals the freedom of enjoying all water’s potential benefits regardless of where they may be.


Summer Essentials: Staying Hydrated this Festival Season

Summer Essentials: Staying Hydrated this Festival Season

Pumped for this Year’s Music Festival Line-up? Don’t Let Dehydration Ruin the Party

Ataying hydrated is always important, but when you’re spending all day standing and dancing under the hot sun, it becomes crucial. If you don’t replace all that sweat you’re losing with water, you’ll quickly find yourself dehydrated: nauseous, lethargic, exhausted, light-headed, faint, and in danger of heatstroke.

Dehydration can ruin the festival fun or even result in a trip to the hospital, so it’s important to stay on top of it. Read on for some easy tips to help you stay hydrated, and remember – preparation is key!

Bring multiple water containers.

This allows you to have a water bottle to carry with you, as well as a spare in your tent for easy access near bedtimes, to share with a friend, or in case you lose one.

Have a water bottle on you at all times.

You may not think you need to do this, but the most important part of staying hydrated is constantly sipping water throughout the day. Besides, if you’ve made it to the front row for your favorite music act, you don’t want to give up your place and battle the crowds to go find the nearest tap! Make sure you invest in a portable water bottle that is lightweight and easy to carry around with you.

Alternate between alcoholic drinks and water.

If you’re drinking alcohol, be sure to regularly drink water as well because the alcohol may be dehydrating you without you even realizing it. Plus, this also helps to prevent hangovers!

When thirsty, choose water over other beverages.

Bubbly, flavored, or alcoholic drinks often dehydrate rather than hydrate, so even though they’re tasty, they’re not a good option when looking for something to quench your thirst.

Make sure your water is clean.

Camping out at festivals is a lot like camping out in nature: you’ll be going without all the comforts of home, and that could include a potentially unreliable water source. As an extra precaution, it’s a good idea to bring a water pump or filter with you to make sure the water you’re drinking is pure and safe.

Keep in mind that the average male needs about 3 liters of water a day, while the average female needs 2.2 liters – that’s a lot of water! So keep sipping, make sure your friends do too and have fun!

Remember Staying Hydrated is critical for your health!



Types of Water, Their Problems and Solutions

Types of Water, Their Problems and Solutions

Types of Water, Their Problems, Water Cleaning Solutions, Is All Water Equal?

Get To Know Your Water, raises thought-provoking questions in readers, causing them to take a step back and think … is the water that I drink every day really as clean as I think or have been led to think it is?

From the introductory to the very last chapter, this book makes for an interesting read. Written in easy to read language, this book contains everything that you need to know about water. The author presents comprehensive information about Earth’s most precious resource, including a discussion on the ultimate solution—the ideal kind of water that you should drink.

From the introduction, you learn that water is life. This concept stamps down the importance of water. No one can put it any better than this. This is because about 80% of the human body is composed of H2O, which literally means that there is no life without the special H2O. This eBook, written by a water filtration expert who has been building portable water filters for many years, seeks to explore whether all water is equal and, if not, what can be done to make it equal.

All water is most definitely not equal. There is H2O, and then there is clean, filtered, and safe water. What are you drinking? You may have access to clean water at home, but what about what you buy in the stores when you travel? Is that clean and safe too?

We cannot take for granted that all water is the same. Ironically, water may be one of the leading causes of death in the world, which is quite paradoxical because it is supposed to give life. High-quality water is what makes you thrive and feel alive. Therefore, water is life only if it is of the quality that is fit for consumption.

The quality of H2O may decrease in various ways, including contamination after many journeys before it reaches the consumer. Beware that the plastic water bottles you have always seen as prestigious could actually be the most poisonous. The writer of the eBook says that the plastic containers used for buying and drinking water may be unsafe. And we know this is true because there are some plastics that are food grade and some that are not. Now, how often do consumers check whether they have been served water in food-grade plastics?  Not often.

Grab your copy of “Is All Water Equal”  ebook

Are all water purification methods good?

Bottled water companies claim to use many methods to make their water as close to the pure H2O as possible, but do they really? Or are they mainly concerned with making their product marketable on shelves?

Various types of water have different uses. Apart from drinking, H2O is used in medical applications, for irrigation, and for cleaning contact lenses, among many other uses. People love the convenience of carrying plastic water bottles in their hands while walking or having them in their car for regular drinking. However, it is very unfortunate that many people have never even thought about the fact that sun rays have an adverse effect on water and can cause contamination.

“I loved that the book gives me a solution, which is different from other books that just give an interesting discourse on the problem without suggesting a solution.”

Patrica Rommel

From the different types of water that are available for consumption to different methods of treating water, the writer of this eBook leaves nothing to chance as he delves into the expansive subject of clean and safe water for drinking.

In the e-book, we see the different methods of water purification, such as:

  • Deionization
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Distillation
  • Charcoal Filtering
  • Ultraviolet Light

And this raises a few thought-provoking questions like … are all the methods as effective as the water plant companies would like us to think? Does the ultraviolet light treatment take care of the viruses in the water? If not, can you still consider that water clean? Will it be safe to drink?

“I agree with Robert that water is not just water, but it is defined by the quality and now I know that good, safe water should be slightly alkali.”

Christian K. Sydney

It is a necessity that you stay hydrated for good health. A good type of liquid aqua should cool and calm you down. It may surprise you to know that even if you are drinking more than two liters a day, you can still find yourself dehydrated almost as if you never drank any. Failing to drink plenty of fluid leads to:

  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Headaches

So what water should you drink?

In an attempt to find the cleanest and healthiest water available in your grocery store, you will find many types of options. How will you know which one you should choose?

Heavy, Hard, and Soft: Heavy water contains an excess amount of hydrogen and is denser than other types. However, it is not recommended for drinking as it can be lethal if taken in large quantities. Some people prefer drinking hard water because they think it is the best option due to the extra minerals it contains.

Some prefer soft water due to the amount of sodium that it contains. Soft water does not react with soaps and detergents like hard water, but it makes them more efficient. Hard water causes damage to your appliances, water heater, and plumbing. Soft water is also not good for your health if you are on a low-salt diet. You would not want to drink hard water from wells because it has a nasty smell, akin to that of rotten eggs. Not only that but also hard water from wells is exposed to contamination from its immediate surroundings.

“I am a believer in everything I drink or eat be homemade, but I did not know I could filter my own water. Now I know, it’s not too late.”

Peterson, Atlanta

Ground Water: Refers to water that filters through the sand, cracks, and spaces between the rocks into the ground below us. We must appreciate that we depend on groundwater supplies for drinking and irrigation, and that means that we must take care of our environment so that the water formation cycle is not interrupted.

Groundwater is needed for replenishing our bodies of water and wetlands.

This type of water is exposed to contamination by things like gasoline, pesticides, cleaners, pharmaceuticals, and other toxic substances, making it unhealthy for drinking.

The pollution of groundwater puts both humans and wildlife at risk.

Bottled Water: The truth can be ugly and disturbing when you realize that bottled water is potentially the worst type of fluid for drinking and that you should avoid it as much as you can. Because of ignorance, this ‘prestigious’ drink may be poisoning your body every day and any time you take a sip, you dig your pit even deeper.

This aqua liquid is supposed to bring with it a long list of health benefits. Unfortunately, bottled water has a negative impact on the health of both those who drink it and those who do not. The extent of the damage caused by these bottles to the environment is huge. The most disgusting bit is that only 10% of plastic bottles are recycled. Furthermore, a considerable amount of fuel is consumed delivering bottled waters and transporting the recycled bottles. Most of us believe that recycling bottles is the best practice because it leaves the environment clean and saves the earth from methane gases. Unfortunately, the recycling process is costly and not as beneficial as we would like to think.

Are you still bragging that you have been leading a healthy lifestyle, bottled H2O in hand? What is the solution then? Fortunately, that is a question with a straightforward answer! A single BPA-free container is an answer you are looking for if you want to eliminate your environmental impact as far as bottled water is concerned. A clean environment is a treasure and so is your health. Bisphenol A is a chemical that imitates estrogen and has a slew of potential health risks associated with it, yet it is found in certain plastic liquid-carrying bottles. It is even worse for a pregnant woman to use plastic bottled water as it puts more than one life in danger. We should all switch to glass immediately and leave plastic alone.

There are dangerous phthalate chemicals that are used to make plastics in order to make them flexible. These chemicals have the potential to cause many developmental and reproductive problems in children, men, and women.

It’s no secret that the water business is very lucrative; therefore, many companies are just in it to make money. Most of the “special aqua” that is sold is just tap water that is attractively bottled to appeal to you. The list of contaminations found in tap “H2O” includes prescription drugs, chlorine, aluminum, and fluoride, just to mention a few.

It is even worse when you expose your water bottle to heat. Ultraviolet rays and the sun’s rays put you at risk because they accelerate the leaching of chemicals into the water. Many people do not mind leaving their H2O in a heated car because they do not know it may be what is slowly killing them.

Vitamin water is another option that is very popular and enjoyed by many across the world. It is common knowledge that many people are obsessed with improving their health and their bodies. Because of this, we are very easily deceived by companies, which market and pose the so-called vitamin water as a health drink.

In most cases, the attractive bottle you are compelled to buy is nothing but the tap-water combined with dangerous synthetic food dyes and high-fructose corn syrup.

Why do you buy bottled water?

If it wasn’t so dangerous, it would be laughable to think that you spend a lot of money on this unsafe commodity because you believe it is healthy, high quality, portable and convenient.

Many buy it because they claim to prefer the taste of bottled water compared to tap water.

For lack of a better word, I would describe this as ironic because bottled water is nearly 1,900 times more expensive than tap water, but they are nearly the same quality and sometimes bottled water is even worse.

“This book was very informative. I did not know there were so many types of water and that water is not just water,  theres quality.”

Cynthia, Lisbon

If you drink these …

Grocery Types – These are the most common types of drinking water. You need some education to help you in choosing from a range of attractive bottled water displayed in your grocery store. Not all water is created equal and picking the wrong one will bring you more harm than good. From the grocer’s shelves, you are likely to see mineral, purified, spring, and mineral options, among others, all beautifully packaged to attract you. It is painful to discover that most of them, if not all, are simply filled with tap water and bottled for sale.

Water Testing – One way of ensuring that you have the better type of water, which is the only option if you are concerned with the health of yourself and others, involves testing. Testing your water before using it is not as complex a process as it sounds. Home testing is recommended. When your water stinks or leaves glaring evidence by way of a yellow or chalky residue, your water obviously contains contaminants. Why not call a professional who will send your water sample to a lab to ascertain whether it contains serious contaminants like lead, bacteria, viruses, and other chemicals?

The ideal solution – what water is best?

Can you actually find water that’s healthy? The good news is that there are optimal H2O choices available, which ultimately hydrate without putting your life at risk. You should have access to drinking “aqua” all throughout the day, irrespective of where you are, without compromising the quality or quantity.

Your drinking fluid should be slightly alkaline with the presence of an acceptable amount of magnesium and calcium minerals. You will be delighted to know that there is a way you can purify your aqua fluid whenever and wherever you are.

Filtration – From the comfort of your home, you can have access to the safest, cleanest filtered, and purified water. This makes a lot of sense. If you do not have a reliable way of filtration, mountain spring water from the high altitudes is a good alternative. The purified fluid is then stored safely in a BPA-free container. You have the ability to become a walking water-treatment facility! This is a sure way of making the world a better place for all. There are portable filters, which you can conveniently carry with you anywhere you go.  Try the SureAqua product.


Carbon Block for use in Drinking Water Filtration

Carbon Block for use in Drinking Water Filtration

Carbon Blocks – One of the Earth’s Oldest Filtration Systems

Carbon is an age-old natural water filter, dating back to Ancient Egyptian times. Today, it is often used in household filtration systems (usually as some attachment to the kitchen tap) or as a pre-treatment for reverse osmosis filtration systems. Carbon Blocks are often used in city water treatment facilities.

Naturally, a porous material, carbon, basically absorbs contaminants. Some carbon block filters can filter out organic contaminants as small as 1.5 microns, while some carbon blocks struggle to trap anything smaller than 20 microns. It can effectively filter out organic contaminants and chlorine but not necessarily dangerous bacteria and viruses. Not all carbon blocks are the same.

Carbon is the 4th most comon element in the universe. 

Organic Taste removal Carbon Blocks

Carbon Block Filtering Capabilities

Although they use the same basic principle, the carbon block filtration system is usually an over-achiever compared to the activated granular carbon filtration system. The reason for this is that carbon blocks usually have a greater surface area, thereby increasing the rate of adsorption. The flow rate is another critical factor in effective water filtration systems: the longer the water takes to pass through the filter, the longer it has to absorb more contaminants, and the cleaner the water. Contact time is essential!

That is, forcing water at high pressure through activated carbon will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the absorption qualities of the carbon.

Activated carbon block, basically removes most of the bad tastes out of water.

Carbon block filters are often used in point-of-use household systems.  Depending on the water quality in the area, carbon block filters are relatively effective at providing safe drinking water[in the home.  As technology improves, the filtration systems are becoming more sophisticated and reliable.  Many carbon block filters are now part of a three-stage system to protect against bacteria, viruses, and contaminants.  Carbon block filters by itself effectively remove minerals but not dangerous bacteria and viruses bacteria from the water.  Using Carbon blocks has a limited effect on the safety of drinking original water quality as it will likely contain bacteria or viruses still.

Did you know nearly 20% of your body mass is Carbon!

Carbon Blocks donot remove important minerals in water

Health-providing trace minerals like dissolved calcium and magnesium do not bond to carbon, allowing the minerals to pass through, thereby retaining the water’s health quality and good taste.

Removal of Heavy Metals from water

Heavy metals like lead do not bond to the carbon. The heavy metals being larger in size are strained out by the pore size of the block — basically like trying to fit a basketball down a hole designed for a ping pong ball!!

Carbon block filtration systems are relatively economical and ecological. There is no need for electricity as the block uses the natural water pressure to filter, though it takes significant time to pass through. Carbon is relatively cheap, so it isn’t the most expensive filtration technology available. Most carbon block filtration systems require replacement every 5,000 gallons of water, taking water from roughly 4 to 10 cents per gallon. The most expensive part is getting in a professional plumber to install and/or replace the system at home.

There are some commercially available jugs that use carbon blocks to filter organic material from water and improve the taste. It does not provide you instant drinking water as it takes many minutes or hours in some cases to go through the compact carbon blocks.

Essentially, carbon block filtration is a useful option for household use but isn’t failsafe and doesn’t provide you with portable water purification.

Carbon Blocks are not useful in non household situations

Carbon block filters are not appropriate for hiking, camping, or traveling for water filtration systems that you can take with you. Opt for a water filter bottle like the Sure Aqua Survival Bottle that uses nano-filtration technology to remove 99.9999% of bacteria. Check out the rest of the SureAqua range to find the right water filtration system to suit your needs.


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