Having A Water Filter Is Important  for Disaster Readiness

Having A Water Filter Is Important for Disaster Readiness

Disaster Readiness- Do we really need to do it?

Are you, in any way, prepared for some kind of disaster to hit your area? Are you Disaster Ready?  If you stop 100 random people on just about any street in any town or city in any part of the country, the answer you will get is for disaster readiness, not only NO, but they will also tell you that they don’t know how to get prepared for a disaster coming to their area.  This a very sad though true statement of fact.

It was made very clear just how unprepared for a disaster people are when displayed all over the TV during the Katrina Hurricane disaster that hit and devastated the New Orleans area.  It is also shown when the news reports hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes hit an area. 

It shows how much people need the bare necessities brought in to them just to be able to survive.  We see these things every year on the TV news.  After seeing these things happening so often, you would think that people would want to prepare at least a little, but they haven’t! 

Are you Disaster Ready?

Ideas to Prepare for a Disaster

The first suggestion I want you to think about is finding out exactly what kind of natural disaster could hit the part of the country you live in.  Search the Internet to find the history of the area you live in to see what sort of disaster has come to your area in the past.  Knowing what has happened in the past where you live, you can prepare to survive that kind of disaster should it return to hit your area again. This should only be a guide to become disaster ready.  The current pandemic is an example of other types of disasters.   Disaster readiness is essential for survival.

If you live near the ocean, a freak hurricane could visit you, or even a huge tsunami that came across the ocean from another part of the world could come crashing in the area where you call home.

Likely Disasters

Some areas are prone to having tornadoes hit their area fairly regularly, so the people that live there, or move into that area, should prepare to survive a force 5 tornado and hope they never have to try to live through one, or the mess of the after-mat of something like that. So Disaster Readiness should be in your mind and bring calmness knowing that you are disaster prepared.

You will also want to make what disaster preparations you can to survive a not-so-natural disaster the comes to your area.   Just ask the people in New York about how fast they learned about that with the 9/11 Twin Towers terrorist attack and the aftermath of that huge mess.

FACT: Over 90% of people are not prepared for any kind of disaster!

How Disaster Ready are you?

Now that you know why you should have some kind of disaster readiness handy let’s talk about what you need for your emergency supply survival kit.  As a general rule, you will need as a minimum the following;

  • Some kind of water filter or a safe supply of clean drinking water,
  • Food (preferably the kind that you can but don’t need to cook or warm-up),
  • Some kind of emergency shelter (like a tent or materials that you can make some sort of tent out of),
  • A light source (candles and flashlights (with the right size batteries)),
  • A number of tools (knife, ax or hatchet, shovel and things like that) and
  • Clean changes of clothing.

Best Portable Water Filters

There are many portable water filter devices available in the market that claim to remove bacteria, giardia, cryptosporidium, and viruses out of water.  You do need to read the fine print.  Most won’t guarantee acceptable levels of 99.99% and above (when including manufacturing quality), nor do most have safety switch-off mechanisms.  Also, make sure the products have been independently tested.

One such device that exceeds all internationally recognized guidelines has been independently tested by various governments worldwide and has a safety switch-off mechanism is the SureAqua filter. They are  great small portable water filter and purification  devices should be a mandatory devicie in Disaster Readiness Kit. 

They are very simple to use. The SureAqua Straw  can be used like a straw to drink water through, and it filters the water as you are drinking. Its is a lifesaver device. You can check out the Sure Aqua portable water filters devices.   You will be amazed at how small it is.  You could keep several of these around for emergencies or just to take camping with you.


Long Term Food Storage

The emergency food that I recommend that you get and keep on hand is called MRE’s (this means Meals-Ready-To-Eat).  They come in a variety of menus and can be eaten cold (right out of their packaging), or they have a tool for warming them that just takes a little water added to it while it and the main food package is in a plastic sleeve that is included.  This kind of food can be kept for 5 years or longer, depending on how you store it, and it will not spoil. It will be ready to eat whenever you want or need to.  How easy is it to become disaster ready!

TheReadyStore sells the food in kits for as few as 3 days or as much as a full year’s supply.  They also sell packaged water which is good to have in addition to any water filter that you have in your Disaster Readiness Kit.

That website also sells complete kits for multiple people groups from a couple to a family of 4 or even an emergency kit for helping as many as 50 people for 3 days to a week.

You will need to have a tent or a tent capable of keeping you and your family out of the weather when you sleep at night.  Sleeping bags or extra blankets with some kind of waterproof cover will also be needed.

Other Disaster Readiness Supplies

Tips for Disaster PreparednessBesides your water filter or packaged water, food, shelter, lighting, a communication device (radio), waterproof matches, and tools, you will also want to figure out other things that you may find useful if your survival situation is for an extended period of time.  I keep three full kits (complete with MRE food and a portable water filter) packed away just in case I may need them sometime in the future. You will probably want to get a small emergency kit or disaster readiness kit to start with and add to it over time. 

Final Say on Disaster Readiness

Then you at least know you will be able to survive should any kind of disaster visit you


Having A Water Filter Is Important  for Disaster Readiness

Tips for Disaster Preparedness

How prepared are you for a Natural Disaster or Other type of Emergency?

We already have done another post about preppers, but there is no harm in repeating a good piece of advice, and we would like to add to it by bringing you more information about the prepper checklist. We live in very uncertain times today. If it is not the fear of a nuke going off somewhere and releasing radiation worldwide, it is the fear of aliens invading – lol. I know it sounds farfetched, but the movie world makes it seem like it could happen anytime! And what about Hurricane Katrina, tsunamis, high magnitude earthquakes that rate ever higher on the Richter scale, and so on? Everywhere you look, we are surrounded by mini-Armageddon disasters. It pays to be fully prepared!  Disaster preparedness should not be an afterthought!

Very important – well, unless you want to become a sitting duck in the case of a disaster, and I am sure you do not want that. Ok, by now, I know you are convinced that disasters are always lurking in the shadows, and even though there is a promise of deliverance, even when you walk in valleys as dark as the shadows of death, you have to use your brain and be prepared for anything!

  • Do you live in a disaster-prone area? It would help if you were ready.
  • Do you live near the ocean? A tsunami could occur without warning anytime.
  • Have there been heavy rains lately? As one effect of global warming, floods kill thousands – mainly by cutting them off their basic needs.
  • Do you live in a disease-prone area? For example, cholera breakouts in Africa, India, China, etc.?  You need a disaster preparedness kit.
  • Do you have a family? It would help if you had a prepper checklist.

Tips for Disaster PreparednessA prepper checklist is a must for your Disaster Preparedness Plan.  It will make the work easier, and you will have peace of mind knowing that you have everything you need right there in your house should a disaster strike. Again, if you do not know what you need to buy, the list will help you. Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry. 

Whenever emergency strikes, having a backup plan with solutions in mind is a top priority

Do you have plans to include emergency water?

Most people do not know how to get adequate water in case of emergency, but not to worry as I have everything for you here. SureAqua products offer you the perfect solution. If you visit our products page, you will see why it is much better to buy yourself a SureAqua filter or pump rather than to buy water bottles for storing water.

How would you like the idea of having fresh, filtered, clean, and safe water whenever you want it? I bet you like it very much. It can take days before a person dies of hunger. However, lack of water will lead to death in a matter of hours, depending on the conditions to which one is exposed.

For example, when one is in hot weather, and they are not drinking water, they will lose significant amounts of water through urination and sweating. When dehydration occurs, the body starts slowing down. If the water is not replenished as fast as possible, the vital organs like the brain start slowing down too, and that is the onset of declining health that will eventually result in death if nothing is done.

That is why when you are completing a prepper checklist, and you have to consider much more than just a few water bottles.

Should a disaster happen and you exhaust the stock of emergency water you had set aside in your disaster kit, what will you do?

Tips for Disaster Preparedness

Drink just any water that you find?

That can bring diseases caused by E.coli, cryptosporidium, and viruses too. Please make sure there is a water pump and a portable water filter included in your prepper checklist. These should go into your disaster kit alongside dry food, the first aid box, clothes, and all the other necessary items.

What should you look for in your emergency water filter?

  • It must be able to get rid of the viruses, protozoa, bacteria and other disease-causing organisms found in water.
  • It must be able to filter the water to be odorless by using a carbon-activated filtering mechanism to trap the odors.
  • It must be able to capture the heavy metals and other impurities, leaving the water fresh, germ-free, and odorless.
  • It must be able to last a long time – you do not want to have to worry about buying a new water filter every year or so.

The good news is that you can buy your emergency water filter online. Order your SureAqua filter today and drink healthy water all the time.

Prepper Checklist

Who knows when a disaster might happen? It’s better to be ready.

Due to many environmental and geologic changes happening worldwide, natural calamities are quite unpredictable today. In addition to the threat of natural disasters, we also have to be concerned about the potential of man-made disasters. Whichever the case, the probability of not having access to clean water is high. Remember, disaster does not care how developed your country is, so you should be prepared no matter where you live.

Natural and man-made disasters happen every single.  Just watch the TV news broadcast!  A Disaster Preparedness Plan should be a must.  This article Tips for Disaster Preparedness provides some guidance for you.

What must be in your prepper checklist?

You may never catch up with you, but you can never be sure. For the unknown things, it is much better to be prepared and have them never happen than to have them happen and catch you unprepared.

What should your prepper checklist contain?

Many things, but if you are a beginner prepper and do not know what to buy, you can get ideas from different sources online, including the ideas we are offering you here.

  1. It must contain a means to filter water for drinking. Note that even if you include the recommended number of bottles of water in your survival kit, you still need to buy the SureAqua filter. You can never have enough water.
  1. You may need a crank-up radio that comes with an AM/FM shortwave radio and 7 weather channels.
  2. Include a sturdily built water bottle.
  3. Make sure you have an LED flashlight and a couple of spare batteries.
  4. Get a decent survival knife, too, similar to an army-issue as that one is made to last a long time.
  5. Include candles, matches, firestarters, and lighters. A metal match is also suitable for you to have. Keep these in waterproof pouches and canisters.
  6. A survival blanket, first aid kit, whistle, and compass are also essential.
  7. Don’t forget duct tape, rope, and a lightweight axe if you can find one. You will be surprised at the wide variety of uses these items can have.

There are many more items that you need to include in your Tips for Disaster Preparedness -Prepper Checklist. You can take all of the advice you can find online and then further customize your kit to ensure your and your family’s needs are covered. For example, you may want to include rations of dry or canned foods.

“The bit about portable water filters – I think that is very important and should not be overlooked when preparing the prepper kit.”

Terri, Winnipeg


Everyone must have a disaster kit because we live in volatile times. Even if you are a beginner prepper, you can use the information we have brought you here to create a prepper checklist to ensure that your kit has everything essential for survival in a disaster, including a means for emergency water filtration. Confident to buy your world’s best portable water filter bottle HERE.


Prepare Your Camping Disaster Kit

Prepare Your Camping Disaster Kit

Are You Traveling for a Camping Vacation? Here is How to Prep Your Camping Disaster Kit

Getting a camping disaster kit together is not hard work. Really! I used to think it was until I had to customize my own after learning that the store-bought ones are not as good as they claim. Really, it just means having to add more stuff! Some time back, we posted information about the importance of a camping emergency kit when traveling, which you can find on our website.

We agreed on then and still believe that no matter how much water you carry when you are going on a hiking or camping vacation, you can never carry enough. These are very thirsty activities, and you need all the water that you can get. But more about portable water filters later…

But I guess some praise is in order—after all, at least you have an emergency kit. Way to go! But wait a minute now … what is in your disaster kit? Does it have every essential item that you may require in the face of a disaster? Well, maybe, maybe not.

Hiking Water Filter

The most important thing to consider

Before you embark on that camping vacation, you must always get your disaster kit ready. Another essential thing to bear in mind while doing so is that you could get stranded in the middle of nowhere. Include things like matchboxes and lighters, a blanket, a couple of good string knives, and basically, anything else that you can think of that would be helpful.

YOU MUST NOT forget to include a water filter bottle. Germs, bacteria, and viruses have no respect for anyone!


Can you carry additional items in your emergency kit? Yes, of course, you can! But only the most essential items so that you do not make the kit too heavy. Remember, in case of a disaster, and you may have to evacuate fast. Include things like:

  • Fire extinguisher
  • Feminine sanitary supplies
  • Pencils and paper
  • A change of clothes – long cargo pants and long-sleeved jackets and shirts are much better for protection against insects
  • Chlorine bleach can be dissolved and used for disinfecting
  • Are some of the items required
Emergency Survival Kit

I repeat, the store-bought disaster kit is just so basic. You need to add more stuff to it. You may need more bandages, more rations of dry food, and so on. However, the most important thing is water. You can survive days without food, but a severe lack of water can kill you in a matter of hours. Therefore, we advocate that you ensure your emergency kit has enough water.

But how much water is enough?

Everyone would have the same concerns about emergency water supplies.

Water is bulky, and you can only carry so much – read that to mean a few bottles. Most people recommend having a gallon of water per person every day with a three-day supply in case of emergencies. However, you know very well that in extreme disasters like the Nepal earthquake or Hurricane Katrina, help could take more than three days. Therefore, you need more water!

Customize your disaster kit when traveling. Do some research to learn more about the area you are traveling to.


  • If you are going to a dry area, then you may need to carry more water or a means to purify more water.
  • If you are going to a cold place, you will need to carry more blankets and heavier clothes to keep warm.
  • If you are going to a third-world or developing country, you will need to carry a portable water filter to filter even the store-bought mineral water.
  • Find out some disease history of the place you want to visit. Is E.coli prevalent? Montezuma’s revenge? What about Bali Belly?

Why you may not need to pack water in the camping disaster kit

That’s right – you may not need to pack water in your disaster kit if you order the SureAqua bottle, which is more than just a water bottle; it is a water filter too.

The water filter is a means to filter as much water as you like, meaning that space, where you would have packed three gallons of water for three days, can be used for more dry rations or an extra blanket for warmth.’

Why carry water when you can carry the means to purify your own water? 

It makes more sense to leave as much room as possible for most of the other stuff like food, clothing, and first aid supplies rather than take a lot of water in the disaster kit when you can carry a water filter and purify water wherever you go. That way, you are not only assured of having fresh and clean water all the time, but also you know that you will not run out of water any time soon.

Who needs a disaster kit?

It does not matter whether you live in the most serene place on Earth because the unthinkable could happen at any time. Thus, irrespective of where you live, you will need to have a survival kit ready all the time and with all the essential items to cope with a disaster.

One emergency kit for the entire family is not enough! You need to ensure that every family member has his or her own survival kit and his or her own water bottle filter. Who says that during an emergency, you will all manage to stay together? You have heard of people who were separated during manmade or natural calamities, only to reconnect much later.

In addition to having a survival kit for every family member, you also need to perform drills with the kids to show them what they should do in case of an emergency. The most important thing, however, is to teach them how to purify their water before drinking. That way, you will have given them skills that they can employ for the rest of their lives!

Always have the kits ready all the time if you have to evacuate at a moment’s notice. Do not pack too much into it; keep it light enough if you have to carry it while running. Remember, the kids’ survival kits have to be smaller, so look for what is recommended for their given ages in the store. There is a survival kit for everyone.

If you are traveling out of your country to go for a hiking or camping vacation, you should carry your disaster kit. If you are traveling in your own country, you should also be sure to carry your kit. Inside this kit, ensure that there is enough water or a means to get more water if you need it.

Bacteria like E. coli, viruses, and protozoa thrive in large numbers when the conditions are right, mostly during disasters. Thus, the chances of contracting such are very high when you are caught up in a disaster either in your country or in a foreign country. That is the reason why you need to include a pure water filter in your kit. In fact, this portable water filter should travel with you, even when you are traveling or business. So it should not be reserved for emergencies only.


“A seasoned outdoors lover, I know the importance of a disaster kit and plenty of clean and healthy water.”

Dannel, London

A few essential tips for your disaster kit

  1. Get ideas from several places. You never know what you might be missing in your kit.
  2. Try to build up your own kit rather than buying a readymade one in the stores as they may not have enough items.
  3. Don’t be tempted to pack a little of everything. Pack what is recommended by experts. This includes three days food supply, three days water supply, a portable water filter, flashlights, a first-aid kit, a blanket for warmth, and so on.
  4. The recommended three-day water supply is not enough! It would help if you carried a means to purify your own water. Pack a filtered water bottle. You will never regret it.
  5. Always keep your emergency kit in a place where you can reach it fast.
  6. Do not keep the water, food rations, and medical supplies too long in the disaster kit. Replace the supplies with fresh ones every so often. That way, you know that nothing is about to expire.

Finally wrapping this Camping Disaster Kit article

Now you know the importance of having a disaster kit when traveling for a hiking or camping vacation. But that is not the only time that you should have your emergency kit. You need one on standby all the time, even at home. Order your best water filter bottle here.


Survivalist Being self-sufficient in a technology dependant world

Survivalist Being self-sufficient in a technology dependant world

If you had to survive in the wilderness alone, without luxuries like camping equipment and communication devices, how long do you think you would survive?

Due to our increased dependence on technology, we as a society are becoming less self-sufficient. Fewer and fewer people know how to make a fire without matches, build a shelter, hunt food, purify water and gather nuts and berries. If Armageddon hit, let’s face it, most of us would not have a chance of survival.

However, all is not lost. By learning just a few skills and following a few tips, you can become an entirely self-sufficient survivalist. Hopefully, you’ll never end up alone in the wilderness, but even if you don’t, you’ll definitely be able to whip out your survivalist skills on campingand hiking trips.

Hygiene is the #1 cause of Gastro

Your first step to becoming a self-sufficient survivalist is to remember this acronym:

Suss out your situation. Calmly assess any immediate dangers.

Utilize your senses and good judgement. Making rash decisions is likely to end badly (and takes away major survivalist points).

Remember where you are. Try to orient yourself. If you’re lucky enough to have a survival kit with a compass, work out which way north is and try to figure out a route to safety.

Vanquish negative thoughts and feelings of panic.

Improvise with what you’ve got. The best way to be self-sufficient is to be resourceful and creative with any equipment you have with you and anything you can find.

Value your life. The best survivalists have a strong will to live. Don’t give in to apathy.

Act like any animals you can see. Remember, animals are the ultimate survivalists. You can learn where water, food, and shelter are just by watching.
Learn basic skills. If possible, become as self-sufficient as you can before you have to be a survivalist. Learn how to hunt, find and purify water and build a shelter.

Did you know nearly 96% of people suffer from Gastro in their life

Water is vital to any survivalist. If you drink less than two liters a day, you will become less efficient and self-sufficient. If at all possible, prepare yourself and have a water purifierand a vessel to carry water in?

If you find yourself without a method of water purification, you can get water from plants and handmade wells. Sucking the moisture from pulpy plants like cacti can provide some hydration, but be careful never to swallow the pulp. Another option is to dig holes in the ground and wait for water to gather inside.

But survivalists beware: dirty water is dangerous. To be a survivalist, always purify your water before drinking it.

However desperate you get, never drink salt water, blood, or urine. They will dehydrate you, make you sick, and could even kill you.

To become self-sufficient, you’ll also need to learn how to build a shelter.

Use anything you can find, but make sure you choose to set up camp away from anywhere that is likely to flood, have falling rocks or trees, or be ridden with insects and wild animals.

So it’s time to put down your iPhone, GPS, laptop, and iPad, and get a little bit, Robinson Crusoe.


Emergency Survival Kit

Emergency Survival Kit

Emergency Survival Kit

Of course, you can have all the emergency supplies under the sun, but you’ll need to have a portable emergency survival kit handy in case you need to evacuate in a hurry.

An emergency survival kit should cover your basic survival needs: food, water, and shelter. It should also contain essential disaster management tools such as a first-aid kit, a source of light, and methods to survive for up to two weeks.

Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people who travel for over a week will become ill (some studies show even higher) due to contaminated water?

Contents of First Aid Kit
The lightest, most portable way to store food in your emergency survival kit is to use dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods are light, compact, and non-perishable, making them perfect for emergencies. If you’re likely to be near water, it could be a good idea to keep a fishing line, hook, and sinker in your emergency survival kit. That way, you can sustain yourself in an emergency.

Access to clean drinking water is essential to any emergency survival kit. The water supply can often become polluted or be cut off during an emergency, so it’s essential to make sure you have a reliable method of water purification to ensure good disaster management. The most portable, reliable method of water purification is the Sure Aqua Survival Straw. The Sure Aqua Survival Straw is light and only slightly larger than a regular straw, making it a perfect, portable option for an emergency survival kit. Should you have sufficient space, the Sure Aqua Survival Jerrycan can provide bacteria and virus free water for a group of people.

The shelter can be tricky when you’re trying to make sure your emergency survival kit remains compact and portable. A good strategy is to store an aluminum blanket in your emergency survival kit.

These blankets are compact, heat resistant can be used to make shelter, and are highly reflective, making it easy for rescuers to spot you.

Try to avoid taking shelter underneath tall trees as branches can fall any time, especially during emergency conditions. The best method of disaster management if you cannot seek shelter in a safe man-made dwelling is to take cover in a natural shelter such as a dip in the land or a rocky underpass.

Naturally, a first-aid kit makes for good disaster management and is essential in any emergency survival kit. As a minimum, a good emergency first-aid kit should contain:

  • Bandages
  • Iodine
  • Steri strips
  • Band-aids
  • Scalpel
  • Rubber gloves
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Antihistamines
  • Painkillers
  • Insect repellent
Survival Kit Sign

Of course, you will need to adapt your disaster management strategy to your personal requirements. For example, make sure your first-aid kit contains an adequate supply of any prescriptive medications you may need, and be careful to keep these inside your emergency survival kit in case you need to evacuate in a hurry. If you live in a particularly hot area, make sure to include sunscreen as well.

 Light is another vital part of any emergency survival kit. A medium-sized wind-up torch is an ideal option. However, if you cannot find a wind-up torch, opt for a regular torch and keep some spare batteries inside your emergency survival kit. A lighter and some matches are also essential as they’ll help you to light a fire, which can attract rescuers, provide warmth, and cook food.

Survival in Tornado area

 What should you store your emergency survival kit in? Don’t go for anything that could burn, fall apart, or be difficult to carry. A small backpack is the best option for most people. Consider investing in a small backpack. The SureAquaPak is a smart option like a container for an emergency survival kit: it’s portable, strong and contains a method of water purification for good disaster management.

Final Say

You never know when you may be impacted by a natural disaster.  It is essential and smart to be prepared,

Why wait..


Preparing for an Emergency – Survive

Preparing for an Emergency – Survive

Preparing for an Emergency as One Could Strike at Any Time can impact your Survival

When you get up each morning, you never know what the day will bring. A natural disaster can happen at any time, and the same is true of a terrorist attack.  These are two examples of emergencies you need to be prepared for. What can you do to ensure your survival? What is your Emergency Response Plan? There are three major things every person should do, so if the worst does happen, surviving is easier.

Did you know that less than 28% of American’s have not evene a basic emergency kit at home!

The first thing you need to do is be informed. A disaster can strike in many ways. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes are the first three that may come to mind. What about a pandemic, though, or a chemical spill that requires you to evacuate or hide in your house? This will require different resources. The same is true of a terrorist attack, which may come in many forms. Know what to do in each situation, and your chances of survival will increase.

Make your own personal Emergency Plan

Once you have learned about the different threats to your survival, you need to prepare for them.  A plan needs to be made based on your risks as they may be different from others. This emergency  plan should be tailored to meet your needs, and it should be designed to protect yourself and your family. The more you are prepared, the easier it will be to get through these difficult times.

The one thing you should ensure is part of your preparedness plan is a way to access clean drinking water.

A minimum of one basic disaster supplies survival kit should be built.

This kit should be assembled before the threat of an emergency, as you may not have time to grab anything when disaster strikes. In this kit, you will need water, food, and other supplies.

Make sure you have enough for a 72 hour period. As you may need to change locations due to the emergency, you don’t want to have to carry water with you.

For this reason, you should look into purchasing a portable water filter.

SUrvival Kit

How much water do you need in an emergency?

Water is essential for human survival, but, during a disaster, clean drinking water may be in short supply.  As experts recommend that you have a minimum of one gallon of water per person in your family per day and a three-day supply, you can see how much storage room this will take.

Certain people, such as the elderly and infants, will need more, and the same is true of you if you live in a warm climate.

Often, you will hear that you should purchase commercially bottled water for this situation (Read our article “Is all water Equal?”) . This water should be stored in the container it came in and should not be opened until you need to use it. If you go this route, you will need to store it in a cool, dry, dark place.

Many find it is easier to make use of a portable water filter. This type of filter will allow you to take water on hand and clean it, so it is safe for drinking. It takes up less space and yet accomplishes the same purpose. In addition, if you buy replacement filters, you will have a water source for longer than three days.


Final Say

Emergencies will occur, no matter how much we prepare.   Make sure you have a survival kit so you can get through this difficult time as easily as possible.   This is one thing you should never leave to chance.


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